
To participate in the end of the year performance, students will need to pay one performance fee per each class they are enrolled in. The total cost for each student’s participation is based on the number of classes taken. The performance fee covers the costs associated with costumes, theater rentals, and staffing for rehearsals and has increased this year due to the increased cost of costumes. It does not include recital tickets. Your child will get to keep the costume after the last performance. Performance fees are non-refundable after the costume has been purchased.

If your child cannot participate in the recital, they will continue to attend class and learn the dance along with their classmates. Class time will be split between regular technique class and learning/practicing choreography.

2025 Recital Dates

Spring Recital (All Levels): Friday, Saturday, & Sunday, June 6, 7, & 8, 2025 @ UDC Theater of the Arts, 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington DC, 20008

Multiple Classes

To purchase more than one performance fee, follow the links below.